Trainbiodiverse are pleased to announce that they will hold the midterm review this October in Munich.
TRAINBIODIVERSE is a multinational network of European research institutions and independent private sector representatives working in collaboration to train young scientists in multi-disciplinary aspects of soil biodiversity, ecosystem services and the economic significance of European soils. A vast range of coordinated interdisciplinary training and networking opportunities available to ensure that young European researchers command enhanced research, intersectorial and communication skills from the onset of their career. The consortium encompasses academic, non-academic industrial, economic and political professions from relevant sectors.
TRAINBIODIVERSE fills the gap between European scientific expertise and application political policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe. The aim of TRAINBIODIVERSE is to monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of biodiversity in European soils and to provide critical information to political, administrative and regulative bodies to enhance policy making for European ecosystem services and agricultural production. TRAINBIODIVERSE will secure the future of European ecosystem services and agricultural production and therefore, the wellbeing of human populations and the continued availability of sustainable recourses that are underpinned by soil microbiology. TRAINBIODIVERSE is coordinated by Professor Søren Sørensen of the Section of Microbiology at the University of Copenhagen.
If you are interested in applying for one of the fellowships, please check the eligibility criteria carefully and read about our application procedure.
Trainbiodiverse are pleased to announce that they will hold the midterm review this October in Munich.
The dates for the Summer school and network meeting have been finalized. The events will be held at RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN (RUG), The Netherlands in Groningen, hosted by the Microbial Ecology Department Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies in week 27 from the 1st to the 5th of July. Please keep these dates free in your calendar.
Professor Tim Vogel of ECOLE CENTRALE DE LYON (ECL), France will be presenting the TRAINBIODIVERSE project on Yuri Gorby's 2 hour internet radio show this Friday between 8 and 10 CET. Points of discussion will include...
Science in Europe
Environmental microbiology and Microbial ecology